“Eat Write Play” – The Gist of It

Hey There and Welcome!

  My name is Sarah Pearson. I am 26 years old, live in Vancouver, BC, Canada and am about to embark on something new.

  I have been inspired by countless books, documentaries, failed New Years resolutions, good food and a general un-knowingness what I want and have come up with “Eat Write Play” (guess which book the title was inspired by).

 Unfortunately I do not have the means to take a year off of work, trot around the globe and discover myself. I can however use my spare time and the many available resources in my own city to help me develop three things that I would like to work on.

   Being myself the way I am, I have not yet worked out all of the details. I’m as much in the dark as you are right now as to how this will turn out, but it should be an adventure. Here is what I have so far:

   Over 2012 I will work on three things : Eating, Writing, and Playing. Sounds easy enough right? It get’s a little more complicated. I will focus on each of these things for 4 months (Eating: January-April, Writing: May-August, Playing: September-December). Clearly I am writing this now, and plan to feed myself and have a little bit of fun all year round, so the lines are a little fuzzy.

  I will start the year off with Eating. Not just eating whatever I feel like shoving into my mouth, but eating well. Knowing what is in my food has become a fascination of mine lately, and being someone who enjoys cooking and baking, this could get fun.

   I plan to eat only food in which I can name the ingredients, and know that they are actual food items, not chemicals created in a lab and added to my food to give me that extra vitamin, mineral or whatever it is that my food lost through being over processed in the first place. I will admit that I have already started on this road, but there are a few things that I still can’t quite kick (soy sauce, ketchup, the chocolate used in mochas, that kind of thing).  

 To accomplish this means that I will have to start eating mostly at home. Ideally always at home, but sometimes that just isn’t possible. When I eat out I will need to choose carefully and expect to eat a lot of salad.  As I said, I enjoy cooking, so this should be a breeze. I could always use a little more experience though, so plan to take a class or two during the four months. I also plan on drowning myself in a pile of foodie books and documentaries and maybe even chatting to people who I meet along the way. I’ll be sure to keep you filled in!

Next comes writing. I will be writing this blog throughout the year, but over the summer months I plan to sharpen my skills. I’m already planning to look into some creative writing classes, and will undoubtedly pick up a few books with titles like “Writing for Dummies” to help me out. Writing children’s stories has been a dream of mine for a while, and this is a great time to muscle myself into it. With luck I can track down some local authors and famous bloggers and get their ideas on writing, how they came to it, what their struggles were and how they overcame them (I can’t be the only person out there who bakes to avoid laying out an idea). My room mate also suggested that I do up some short stories, so that very well might become a weekly goal this summer.. we’ll see.

The plan is to round off the year with Playing. I love to play. I just don’t love to do it where lots of other adults can see me, or when I think I will be judged, or by myself. Come the end of 2012 I will be practicing the art of letting go and having fun. Pure, giddy fun. This might mean paintball, it might mean comedy nights, it might mean a lot of things, I’m just not quite sure what they are yet, but I still have 9 months to figure that out.

So, once again, welcome to my project! I plan to update you all once a week (starting closer to the new year) on what is going on over here in the rainy city, and hope that you will follow and let me know what you think.

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