Getting “Fresh”

Hey Folks!

I just watched “Fresh” a film about, what else? Food.  It’s a film done in the States by Ana Sofia Joanes, and it’s worth a watch. It only runs about an hour and ten minutes, so make yourself a cup of tea or some popcorn, curl up for an hour and enjoy.  As an added bonus, you can watch it for free this week (Jan. 26th through Feb.1st) by clicking here!!

Whenever I watch a food documentary I feel two things: One is a little nagging voice that tells me that I have read about or watched something on most of this before, the other is a HUGE feeling of inspiration.

Watching farmers do their thing in a natural and sustainable way makes me want to get a little dirty (in the soil sense, though I will admit to having developed a strictly foodie crush on Michael Pollan).

Watching the packed feedlots and chicken houses makes me never want to support that kind of system or eat those poor animals again (I’m not going veggie – I just want to eat happier, healthier meat).

Watching people like the inner city farmer from Chicago (Will Allen I think his name was) makes me think that yes, in fact, I can make a difference. It may be a teeny tiny difference, but if I make a change, maybe I will inspire some of you out there to do the same, and slowly, ever so slowly things might make a turn for the better.

Please watch this one while you can and let me know your thoughts and ideas!

I’ll even make it easy for you and save you some scrolling time by putting the link here as well!